Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What did I do when I wasn't playing with myself? Go Figure! Blogger all

Shields for Rohan
 Some bits and peices
I have been confined to home for three months because I am high risk for Covid. This has been a mixed a blessing. As a front line Health Care Professional I have had to deal with feelings of guilt at leaving my colleagues to deal with an unprecendented situation while I tap away on a lap top and do what I can from home.

On the other hand I have had plenty of uninterrupted time to indulge in the hobby .I have played 3 whole campaigns and I am nearing the end of a fourth which will probably be the subject of my next blog. Playing games so intensely, with all the time in the world,certainly teaches you the rules and you discover the strengths and weaknesses of each system. I have been incorporating ideas to make the solo element more interesting.

In between games I have been creating terrain and painting.
a river runs through it
seems like a nice spot
A river at 15 mm but  a mere stream at 28mm. I wanted a river for the Sharp Practice campaign that I played ,in the event it wasn't needed.

Its made of card mostly and some builders sand , bits of gravel and some tufts from Gamers Grass
 Now it requires a nice wooden bridge as the focus for my next campaign
any road , I made this
I have done little gaming in recent years, lots of painting and collecting, but very little gaming. Recently, just before the Covid situation, I made contact with an old friend with whom I gamed regularly in the past. We got it together to play a few games and then ...lockdown.

I was surprised when I dug out my terrain how little I actually had. Lots of hills and trees but no buildings, no roads no rivers.

 I bought some MDF road/river sections  from warbases and got busy with some gravel and  sand and static grass

 You can't play a Peninsula campaign with out a Spanish Village so I got out the foam card and a lot of fine postcard type card for pan tiles.

Oh ... and lots of terra cotta paint

Hasta la Villla baby

In the attic ,hidden away , I found a biscuit tin that has moved house with me at least a dozen times and in it , pristine in their packets I found some wagons and figures that I must have bought 40 years ago!
Mini Figs 15mm a vivandiere and her little wagon and a peasant leading a reluctant pony and cart.

there was even a small mule train

I have another 4-5 wagons including an ambulance with stretchered patient and surgeon still to do.

Some lovely 18mm AB figures

I am astonished at the detail on these little guys. Available from Eureka UK

AB British casualties .Following their awful performance in the recent campaign, I thought the British might require some proper casualty markers for any future debacles

each marker has spaces for placing the little wee dice we use to indicate shock and casualties

The 95th rifles! This bugler and the leader  arrived 3 weeks before the 18 men they command..ah the vagaries of covid!

 Dark sword miniature,elf ranger, very expensive with the curfrent custom charge on US deliveries, but a lovely figure none the less

One from North Star miniatures

One from Footsore, the Lady Guineveire

Another Foot sore Miniature, Aella , King of Northumbria

Hes also Theowulf of Rohan

And Creeb McSandwhich of Alladore

Copplestones Castings the Ratman of Limehouse
 another Dark Shield miniature, those guys do weird well
 Female Ranger/scout forRangers of Shadow deep
An excellent cross between skirmishing,D and D and puzzle solving , a great game for families of all ages. Especailly good in these troubled times as its designed for solo play
 and her best friend

Gnolls, ten a penny in Shadowdeep

 I made a ridiculous dice tower, its got 4 kick backs , if thats what you call them, makes a racket when playing Sharp Practice with 24 + d6

 Various bits from Table Top Art
resin bits form Croatia

My first attempt at Object Source Lighting

Here Be Dragons
This an Aedwyrm from Oakbound Studios, sculpted by Geoff Solomon-Simms. Its a resin model and exquisitely cast. I picked it up  every day since I bought it meaning to paint it but so indecisive about what colours to use, so hesitant to start in case i ruined it..but here it is

as with all dragons, its good to see the back of them

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