Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What did I do when I wasn't playing with myself? Go Figure! Blogger all

Shields for Rohan
 Some bits and peices
I have been confined to home for three months because I am high risk for Covid. This has been a mixed a blessing. As a front line Health Care Professional I have had to deal with feelings of guilt at leaving my colleagues to deal with an unprecendented situation while I tap away on a lap top and do what I can from home.

On the other hand I have had plenty of uninterrupted time to indulge in the hobby .I have played 3 whole campaigns and I am nearing the end of a fourth which will probably be the subject of my next blog. Playing games so intensely, with all the time in the world,certainly teaches you the rules and you discover the strengths and weaknesses of each system. I have been incorporating ideas to make the solo element more interesting.

In between games I have been creating terrain and painting.
a river runs through it
seems like a nice spot
A river at 15 mm but  a mere stream at 28mm. I wanted a river for the Sharp Practice campaign that I played ,in the event it wasn't needed.

Its made of card mostly and some builders sand , bits of gravel and some tufts from Gamers Grass
 Now it requires a nice wooden bridge as the focus for my next campaign
any road , I made this
I have done little gaming in recent years, lots of painting and collecting, but very little gaming. Recently, just before the Covid situation, I made contact with an old friend with whom I gamed regularly in the past. We got it together to play a few games and then ...lockdown.

I was surprised when I dug out my terrain how little I actually had. Lots of hills and trees but no buildings, no roads no rivers.

 I bought some MDF road/river sections  from warbases and got busy with some gravel and  sand and static grass

 You can't play a Peninsula campaign with out a Spanish Village so I got out the foam card and a lot of fine postcard type card for pan tiles.

Oh ... and lots of terra cotta paint

Hasta la Villla baby

In the attic ,hidden away , I found a biscuit tin that has moved house with me at least a dozen times and in it , pristine in their packets I found some wagons and figures that I must have bought 40 years ago!
Mini Figs 15mm a vivandiere and her little wagon and a peasant leading a reluctant pony and cart.

there was even a small mule train

I have another 4-5 wagons including an ambulance with stretchered patient and surgeon still to do.

Some lovely 18mm AB figures

I am astonished at the detail on these little guys. Available from Eureka UK

AB British casualties .Following their awful performance in the recent campaign, I thought the British might require some proper casualty markers for any future debacles

each marker has spaces for placing the little wee dice we use to indicate shock and casualties

The 95th rifles! This bugler and the leader  arrived 3 weeks before the 18 men they command..ah the vagaries of covid!

 Dark sword miniature,elf ranger, very expensive with the curfrent custom charge on US deliveries, but a lovely figure none the less

One from North Star miniatures

One from Footsore, the Lady Guineveire

Another Foot sore Miniature, Aella , King of Northumbria

Hes also Theowulf of Rohan

And Creeb McSandwhich of Alladore

Copplestones Castings the Ratman of Limehouse
 another Dark Shield miniature, those guys do weird well
 Female Ranger/scout forRangers of Shadow deep
An excellent cross between skirmishing,D and D and puzzle solving , a great game for families of all ages. Especailly good in these troubled times as its designed for solo play
 and her best friend

Gnolls, ten a penny in Shadowdeep

 I made a ridiculous dice tower, its got 4 kick backs , if thats what you call them, makes a racket when playing Sharp Practice with 24 + d6

 Various bits from Table Top Art
resin bits form Croatia

My first attempt at Object Source Lighting

Here Be Dragons
This an Aedwyrm from Oakbound Studios, sculpted by Geoff Solomon-Simms. Its a resin model and exquisitely cast. I picked it up  every day since I bought it meaning to paint it but so indecisive about what colours to use, so hesitant to start in case i ruined it..but here it is

as with all dragons, its good to see the back of them

Playing with myself, some thoughts on solo gaming

I play a lot of solo games, especially at the moment. Recreating that “other intelligence” is impossible, but you can make things harder for yourself and create some uncertainty. If you enjoy solo gaming then like me you will probably find that no one system can answer your requirements, the answer of course, is to write your own rules. Or do what I do and cheat and combine systems you like from different sets of rules! It doesn’t actually matter which combat system you use, the mechanics of causing casualties or the morale system are not as important as command and control, so pick a system you like and change the command structure.

I like the system in Sharp Practice (Too Fat Lardies), in fact, all Lardy games translate quite well into solo affairs. The random movement being an excellent example of this, each unit rolling dice to determine how far it can move, introduces an element of chance especially when rolling certain numbers triggering random events. “Unit lost way” “Unit has lost its water supply reduced movement” etc. Their system of drawing of chits or cards to decide turn order with each principle character having a number, introduces an element of uncertainty but doesn’t fit with all rule systems. 

Sharp Practice-Chips are drawn to decide order of play
Frostgrave excellent for solo play

Joseph A McCullough, the creator of Frost grave, writes excellent solo rules. A deck of random event cards, one for each turn. They are scenario specific and introduce variable victory conditions random wandering monsters and clues, amongst other things. His system for automated movement for enemy characters also works well at skirmish level, certainly something similar is possible at mass battle level. Frost grave is available free on line and so are several solo scenarios. The beauty of this system is the “lone wolf” element Joseph uses to create a narrative that changes with your choices.

An excellent read for the solo gamer

Stuart Asquith was the master of solo gaming, and all his books are still in print and available. His idea of a “programmed opponent” works well and he suggests several systems to represent this. I like the one where you draw cards to decide the strategy for the battle” refused left flank” “counterattack” etc

Personally, I think the most important thing of all is to adopt a solo style. Forget the competitiveness, you can’t beat an enemy that knows your every thought. Is it possible to win against yourself? I don’t know, for me, that way lies madness.  I think its better to find another way and most of all to have fun.

 One style is to play both sides as if they are your army and you are playing against your sworn enemy. It’s good if you can find a character on each side that you can empathise with. Writing a short character sketch for each leader/hero works well. Roll their characteristics and then make them caricatures with larger than life traits and eccentricities. They could be reckless, bold, determined, cautious. Veteran or raw.  All solo games are narrative in nature, anything you can add that generates an element of "story" to your game will make it more enjoyable. Also, very important, you have to have two hats, one for each side and actually put them on as you play each side. I have a French hat and a British hat for when I play Napoleonic games, when I play Middle Earth based games, I have a wooden sword that I wave as the Good guy and a cudgel when I play the Evil side!

Another style is to adopt the role of observer or narrator. In this you are a neutral non participant, a journalist perhaps or chronicler, observing from an objective viewpoint and watching the story unfold. I tend to use this style for Sharp Practice.

Narrative games work well in solo mode. The Robin Hood model where one force, the goodies, are outnumbered or out gunned by a force of baddies. Most scenarios can be doctored to represent this. Increase the enemy forces by half. Use an “automated system” for their reactions. Use a dice throw to decide their rate of movement. I use this for Middle Earth SBG.

Random events can make a huge impact on a game and should be used with a hint of caution. Lots of small events will help to create the feel of the chaos of war without overpowering the game or making it become too random. 

Use a deck of cards, ace to ten, remove picture cards. Hearts are movement random events, spades are firing random events, clubs are general random events.
Create ten events for each group of events, one for each card. Draw a card at the start of each turn and apply the effects to the Last unit that moved or fired. 

Some examples
 Movement-heavy mud- reduce movement, high spirits -increase movement. Hidden ditch, takes one turn to cross. A fire breaks out in the nearest building. “Hmmm I don’t like it”- unit doesn’t move. Horse bolts-taking a hero or leader one move in random direction
Firing- damp powder, fire at less effect. Fouled barrels, jammed weapons, can’t fire this turn. Smoke a huge pall of smoke forms.” I say Good shot sir”-a bonus is applied to shooting. Cannon misfires roll d6 1-5 needs one turn of clearing barrel 6 = explodes
General- Sudden heavy downpour, reduce movement, check for wet powder, ruined bow strings. Heavy wind- horses unsettled – 1 morale/courage, no long-range bow fire. Monster goes berserk, attacks nearest friendly unit.

Automated response for enemies.
Although automated, enemies will behave as though they have a life an are not throwing it away needlessly 

1)Does the enemy have a line of sight to your forces?
Yes If the enemy has a loaded missile weapon and it is in range it will shoot. If not, it will move into range, adopting a position in in any appropriate cover. If it does not have a missile weapon it will move towards the nearest opponent and attempt to melee.
No Proceed to 2)
2) Does the scenario have an objective?
Yes The enemy will move toward the objective using what ever cover it can utilise to remain in cover
No The enemy will D6 1-3 watch and wait 4-6 advance towards your base line
This can be nuanced according to period, rule set and characteristics of the enemy leader

Which ever system you use, what ever period you play, if are home alone and wanting to play games adding some element of randomness can only make things more fun.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Last Chapter the Battle Companies Solo Campaign-the Final Round

Gorluks Uruks

The Final
The Last Stand
The White Finger have had heavy casualties but have been joined by Gaakh, berserker and Maugak, a Uruk Hai warrior, armed with sword and shield

Definitely the largest company at this stage.

Team Evil

Where is Boromir
Doubty warriors and a gallant knight upon an armoured steed

Justice for Eomer. There is no justice, there’s just us

the Good Guys

Theowulf knows the area well and they make good time, before the long the men, united now in their hatred of orckind, come across the trail of the retreating invaders and following it soon start to catch up.

The orcs and Uruks, climb a small hill and prepare to make a Last Stand 

For the last game, I rolled “Stand Your Ground” perfect for the narrative that has grown out of this campaign. This game lasts until one Battle Company has been reduced to 25% of its starting models. The winner is the company with most models on the hill at this point.
The defender, Evil, sets up on the hill and the attacker, Good, sets up anywhere 6” from the hill. I defined the area of the hill with a circle of rocks and did a similar thing to mark 6” out from that.
the Arena
The Arena

The defiant orckind. Defender deploys first, not knowing where the attack will come from, they deploy in a circle covering all angles. Team Evil has the numbers but they are facing a warband with heavier armour and higher fight values. This going to be a tough fight.

The Good guys line up to attack from the flanks. They are a smaller force than the enemy, so it makes sense to attack all from one direction and stay together to avoid individuals being outnumbered and  surrounded.
Sir Galastor takes the left flank with his fellow knights, while Theowulf takes the centre, sending both archers to the right flank to provide covering fire for the inevitable assault.

Turn 1 Eomund takes careful aim and hurls his throwing spear, it hits its mark and Ugzug crumples to the ground injured. Both side fire arrows with no effect

Turn 2 On the West side of the hill, Madgash is lining all the scrapper orcs up to form a shield wall, “best kind of defence on a hill and all that…. let ‘em come to us….let ‘em be fighting up hill…spears to the rear….stand firm….”
….and of course, in the way of all orcs everywhere….


This is not to be one of the famous charges of legend!
The orcs have another run of shocking misfortune with the dice
By the end of turn 2, Garulf and Eomund lie in the dust but Team Evil have lost 6

Turn 3
Blaggard drops Eodred but Theowulf takes down Gaakh, the berserker, who falls mumbling something about cheese
Galastor dispatches Maugak


Turn 4 The orcs best turn! Blaggard injures Eodan, Madgash takes down  Barahil
Shagrat has been fighting like a lunatic, winning scrap after scrap, despite being outnumbered AND forgetting to “shield”
Ingon stabs him from behind and the mad little imp collapses


Turn 5
Theowulf beats Blaggard taking the big orc down
Grimmund stabs Gargul and Galastor charges into Madgash, injuring the Orc leader and bringing an end to the game,
A victory for the Good Guys

So who won the campaign?
It was very close! The Men of the West, proved to be a powerhouse, possibly OP at this beginning level, maybe they should be more expensive. They could not beat the orcs though, who. perhaps owed their victory to being able to replace losses cheaply. 

First place Mordororx won 2 lost 2 Final Rating 178
The heroes all get a point of Might Will or Fate. This brings Madgash up to the maximum 3 points of might. The Orcs have had a good campaign, they have the biggest war band at 10 fighters and they have recruited two Black Guard Orcs. Ugzug has the ancient bracelet of Terror

Second Place Where is Boromir? Won 4 lost 0 Final Rating 172
Galastor has increased fight, courage and might and has become a hero to reckon with. But the real star of his warband has to be Hastor@61 points he has picked up +1 strength, +1 wound, +1 fight and +2 might as well as heroic strike.

Third Place Justice for Eomer Won 1 lost 3 Final Rating 108
Theowulf now has Bane of Kings and Lead by Example, Baldor has Blade Master, Grimmund gets promoted to rider and Dernmund becomes a hero. I like this warband, I would like to use them again, I will create some more figures to represent them. 

Fourth Place the White Finger Won 1 lost 3 Final Rating 94
I am imagining Gorluk stood before Saruman, “we didn’t have the luck” and he’s right. I have rarely witnessed such appallingly bad dice. What is left of his company is actually quite good. Bizarrely, having rolled so badly throughout, The Finger rolled three straight 6, s for advancement so Ogzul, Ugbad and Gargul are all promoted hero. They have acquired Gaakh the berserker and Maugak the Warrior. I shall certainly play these guys again, but after I have built some new figures to represent them, something nearer to what I imagined when I read the book.

As for the rescue missions the Rohirrim did not succeed, Eomer had been released long before Theowulf and his hapless band got to Edoras. The Men of the West did not succeed, Boromir died before they had left Gondor. The white Finger did not “rescue” a halfling, if such a thing even exists! Only Madgash, with the quest to rescue himself succeeded but as for what happened to him next this story does not tell

Overall, this has been great fun to set up and play. It really felt like a story unfolding. Battle Companies brings out the best in what is already a very good system for skirmish play. I can’t wait to try this against an opponent, I just hope I have better luck than the Finger!