Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Empire Strikes First! the battle of Lebethron

 The Empire Strikes First -the Battle of Lebethron

Lebethron was said to be fair, and beloved by the woodworkers of Gondor. The staves given by Faramir to Frodo and Sam were made of lebethron, as was the casket, described as made of "black lebethron", in which he brought the Crown of Gondor to the coronation of Elessar (Tolkien Gateway)

The hamlet of Lebethron on the Great Harad Road, was named for a grove of the precious wood which stood nearby. It was known for its fine gardens and excellent wood workers, but was destroyed by an Easterling invasion many long years ago. The small wood was hacked down for firewood and never grew back. With none of the Lebethron wood for them to work, there was nothing for the villagers to return for, the town was never rebuilt and fell in to decay.

After the disastrous skirmish at Idhrinn Nethel, the Shrine of the Twins, Faredor took his war band North towards Minas Tirith. He had to report to his Commander, Denethor had to know about this incursion that was showing signs of an invasion and the fall in battle of two lords of his provinces.

For this battle I thought it would be a good idea to use a “delayed entry” method for the forces, with the Battle Company Warbands deploying in the village and the other forces coming on as reinforcements.

The Battle Companies deploy within 6” of a circle 12” in diameter centred on the middle of the board. The Good at the Northern end of the village and the Evil at the Southern end. They deploy alternately, they may not deploy within 6” of an enemy.

At the end of each turn, roll for each warband not yet deployed. On a 5,6 (d6) enter the board. Each turn +1 to the DR

A second DR decides whether they come on the long table edge (1-3) or the short one (4-6). Warbands can only enter on the half of the table edge nearest the corner where the road enters the board. The table is 6’x4’

Good will enter from the North, Evil from the South.

 Stopping for the night at the ruined village, Baragund has kept his force just ahead of the invaders to observe their movements. He can only hope that Duinhir has gone ahead to spread the news and warn of the danger. His hopes are rewarded the following day, when in a great cloud of dust and a jingling of fair harness, his Liege Lord Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, with a company of his knights and men at Arms, appear coming down the road from the North. With them is Angbor, yet to be deemed Fearless, his hearth guard and a warband of warriors, half of whom are clad in mail, each carrying a broad headed spear and a great war shield decorated in elaborate patterns, each a variation on the design known as the Lamedon knot. Some of the warriors are mounted as light cavalry and bear throwing spears and short swords. The banners of the Dragon and the Swan flutter above them. With them march Duinhir and his brave longbowmen.

They have arrived just in time for as the light steadily grows, it becomes evident that Baragund’s war band are not the only occupiers of the village, his old adversary, Khabaal and his men are there too.

Khabaal is aware of the Fief Warband, he calls to his men to take positions, he feels quietly confident. He is gaining experience and becoming wily. He knows that Zhaax and his Easterlings are not far away and that Zharius with his full band of Variags is also nearby but even more importantly, the great warlord Hakkim Bahad, is coming with a troop of the Royal cavalry and a unit of Jakhala, the fierce desert dwelling tribesmen. Khabaal’s war band has been reinforced with a Haradrim armed with composite bow. He allows himself a smile, maybe his lordship will notice him this day, Azoth send it should be so.

The opposing armies-The Forces of Good

Army Name

The Fiefdoms of Gondor

Force of Good

Points limit


Total models


Break Point


No. of bows


Total Might


Total Army Points



Dol Amroth

Enters first turn on long edge






Prince Imrahil






Sir Idril + banner (captain of the Men at Arms)






Knights of Dol Amroth






Men at Arms of Dol Amroth






Baragund’s Battle Company-the “Gang of Fiefs” (sets up on table)






Total Models


Total Points




Enters first turn long edge
























Total Models


Total Points



Enters second turn, short edge












Caerl captain of Angbor






Warriors Spear Shield + banner






Warriors Armour shield






Hearthguard F 4/4+ S4 C4






Total Models


Total Points




Enters third turn, short edge






Aethir, captain of Lamedon with banner






Light cavalry armed with throwing spears






Total Models


Total Points



The Forces of Evil

Army Name

The Southron Empire

Force of Evil

Points limit


Total models


Break Point


No. of bows


Total Might


Total Army Points



I didn’t notice until after the battle that the Good side had 100 points more than the Evil side!


Enters first turn, long edge












Variags of Khand






Total Models


Total Points




Enters second turn, long edge












Easterlings +banner






Kharvax captain of Harad






Haradrim heavy infantry with bows






Khabaal’s Scouts -already deployed






Total Models


Total Points






Enters third turn, long edge


















Jakhala with war horn












Total Models


Total Points




Enters turn 4, short edge






Hakkim Bahad






Royal Cavalry






Total Models


Total Points


The Set Up

I marked the central circle with dice and the Battle companies took turns to each place one figure at a time. They can setup within 6” of the circle but not within 6” of each other

The Gang of Fiefs set up making good use of the available cover

Khabaal’s scouts setup in the South of the ruined village

Turn 1 Good win priority

Both warbands fire at each other, both warbands roll 1’s and 2’s! No hits! Rolling for reinforcements, Good have Imrahil and Duinhir enter on the long edge

A bold sight! Prince Imrahil and his Knights. They are probably singing!

The Early morning light slanting across the field, glinting on bright armour and sharp swords

Zharius and his Variags enter on the long edge of the table. You can bet that they aren’t singing, too busy keeping an eye out for anything valuable that’s not nailed down.

Turn 2 Good win priority

With a jingle of spurs and a merry heart, the good knights of Imrahil’s household push on towards the West side of the board, flanking the village

The Dol Amrothian Men at Arms advance towards the village with Duinhir and the Archers of Morthond stretched out in a line on their left flank

Zharius leads his wily horsemen in a flanking move firing at the two Morthond archers of the Gang of Fiefs

Shoot phase-Dunhold shoots a Variags horse out from under him. Jihalakhan hits Baragund who saves with a point of fate.

Zharius shoots Dunhold and takes him out, he then hits one of the Archers of Morthond

Angbor arrives with his thegns and Hearthguard on the short edge of the board

Zhaax and his Easterling axe men enter on the long edge behind the village

At the end of the turn, Good have three warbands on the field, Evil have one

Evil have scored two casualties, Good have scored none

Turn 3 Evil win Priority

Baragund calls Heroic move to bring the Battle Company away from charge range of the Variags.

Imrahil continues Westwards, both sides advance on the ruined village

The Hearthguard of Angbor’s Household.

They have increased Fight, Strength and Courage as befits their role

Zharius and his brigands

Zharius takes down another archer of Morthond

Jihalakhan shoots Eothard of Lamedon using a point of might to cause a wound

The archers of Morthond take out the dismounted Variag and another one also falls to their arrows

Reinforcements enter at the end of the turn

Jakharat leads his Jakhala javelins on from the long edge

and Aethir of Lamedon with his light cavalry arrives from the short edge for the Good force

Turn 4 Good win priority

4/8 “With me, Swans, with me!” cries Imrahil and the knights lower their lances and charge. Only Barahil of the Battle Company reaches a target, Khabaal and is immediately counter charged by Khalid with Xephon moving into support. Barahil is knocked from his horse and wounded

 The Variags move to flank the shield wall, the Jakhala move onto the small hill to support them and the Easterlings push forward

The archers of Morthond miss with every one of twelve shots!

Arakh of Khabaal’s warband takes down a knight of Dol Amroth

Jihalakhan takes down a second Knight

A Variag shoots one of Angbor’s Hearthguard

Zharius drops a second one

Good nine casualties Evil two

Reinforcements, Hakkim Bahad arrives with the Royal cavalry on the short edge

Hakkim Bahad. This gnarly old general is the veteran of many wars. Born in to a tribe that shared the same hunting ground as the Ubhadi, he has learnt the value of being crafty and picking when to fight.

 He has been fighting since he was a boy and is rumoured to have killed his first man before he came of age. He is unwaveringly, completely loyal to the Emperor, the Boy King, Namhud Dhey, to whom he has been both mentor and guardian.

 He is an excellent swordsman, quick, deadly and a master of the counterattack.

Hakkim refused to act as regent when the Emperor was a small child and lacks any political ambition of his own. He is aware of other ambitions around the throne and despite some unease at leaving the Emperor without his counsel, he feels a little easier knowing that one of those, the wily Khamoon Bakir, is also away from the capital, leading an army in the field in a second attack into Ithilien some 5 leagues to the East, having crossed the Poros the day after Bahad’s units

 the position at the end of turn 4

Turn 5 Evil win priority

   Imrahil declares Heroic Move as does Hakkim Bahad, they roll off Hakkim 3 Imrahil 2

Hakkim spurs his horse into the Prince, he is joined by Khabaal, Xephon and one of the Royal cavalry. Imrahil, undaunted, whips out his sword “Dol Amroth” he cries.

Three of his knights win their duels. Imrahil does not win and takes 6 hits but none of them pierce his armour, no doubt, the finest in the land

In the ruins, the skirmish continues. Meruvin, fires at Navid, who fires back, Meruvin’s arrow glances off the stonework, Navid rolls 6, 6, 6. Meruvin fails his Fate roll and collapses to the floor.

The Warriors of Lamedon form a shield wall

The Easterlings form up opposite, with the Jakhala hurling their javelins and the Variags firing their arrows into the Lamedon foot

The archers of Morthond have not had a hit in two turns of firing!

Angbor receives scant mention in the novels which allows room for imagination. Here he is represented by a Wargames Foundry King Arthur

His warriors are mostly from Gripping Beast Dark Age Warriors, with some conversion of the helmets and unique shield designs, and Saxon Thegns, proxying for the heavier infantry (a future project)

The image on the standard is copied from a friend’s hoodie

Facing the shield wall are the fierce Easterlings and the savage Jakhala

and to their right, always seeking a flank to get around or an unguarded baggage train, the Variags, whooping their wild calls and firing their short black feathered arrows

Riding with the Variags, Juba the Scourge of the Desert, master of guerrilla warfare, chief of the indigenous peoples of the inner desert, Juba is more at home in a sand storm than in a city

Juba is inseparable from his horse Xhalaalth, the Windserpent, the Hawkstallion, a desert Mearas, palomino, fleet of foot and very, very fast

Turn 6 Good win priority

6/3 Firing from behind the stone wall one of the Haradrim archers kills Duilin, son of Duinhir

Zharius shoots and wounds one of the two remaining Hearthguard and another Variag takes out the last one

Casualties now stand as 14 v 2

On the other flank Imrahil and his knights are outnumbered 13 to 3 but are not going down without a fight

Imrahil has 4 attackers but wins the combat. He wounds Khabaal who saves with a point of fate

Aethir whips up his horse and the light cavalry gallop across the field hoping to relieve the pressure on the outnumbered Knights

A Warhorn increases the courage of the whole army

This Jakhala has a green stuff leopard skin and a Fireforge Byzantine helmet

Turn 7 Good win priority

The shield wall of Lamedon moves forwards, resting its right flank on the stone wall

In the centre the Men at Arms move into the ruins extending their formation into a longer thinner line

The archers of Morthond take out two Easterlings

Baragund is struck by a Variag arrow and knocked unconscious

The Light Cavalry arrive at the cavalry duel but are they in time?

Imrahil is facing 5 opponents, he charges “For Gondor” he cries and declares Heroic defence, he can only be wounded on a natural roll of a six. Hakkim counters with Heroic Strike.

Imrahil loses the fight and with no space to back away, he takes 14 hits, two of which are sixes. He makes one Fate roll and takes one wound.The Dol Amroth knights win against the odds but are unable to cause injuri

Zhaax, Kharvax and half a dozen Easterlings charge into the Men at Arms. Sir Idril stabs with his sword at the face of the burly Easterling champion, who blocks the blow with the haft of his axe and turning the blade with a vicious, lightning fast back hand, drops the valiant Dol Amroth captain. Khaarvix kills another man-at -arms.

Angbor charges Juba and is counter charged by Zharius and a Variag

Angbor loses the ensuing melee and takes two wounds one of which he saves with a successful Fate roll

Turn 8 Evil win priority

8/3 The Warriors of Lamedon have lost several of their men to the relentless deluge of arrows and javelins. All of the Hearthguard are down. Caerl declares Heroic move. Juba counters with Heroic Move of his own , bur Caerl wins the roll off.

The warriors of Lamedon charge into the Easterlings

Six of them rush to aid their Lord in his fight with Juba, Zharius and the Variag

The Easterlings and the Jakhala join the fray

The Jakhala have wrapped around the end of the shield wall…

some desperate fighting ensues. The Easterlings and the Jakhala definitely get the better of it, having much better luck

Where the forces of Good win duels they seem unable to cause wounds

Good causalities now 25

Evil casualties 10

Zharius ducks low under the sword of Angbor and pushes the big man back

Zharius rolls 3 in the duel, Angbor 4 Zharius uses a point of might to equal the Lord of Lamedon’s score, they have equal fight score so it’s a roll off which Zharius wins but fails to wound

Juba kills two warriors and the Variag kills another one

a big turn, anyone who can be in combat is in combat

Only the unengaged archers of Morthond can fire and they all miss!

In the centre a grand melee erupts with Zhaax and his Easterlings engaging the Men at Arms

8/18 In the ruins the fighting is just as fierce. Jihalakhan is injured by a Man at Arm but saves with Fate

Dhalmud takes out Deanor of the Ringlo Vale

The Knights of Dol Amroth are still fighting but the singing has stopped

Imrahil uses his last point of might to use Heroic Defence again

He loses the combat and 14 dice are rolled for his injuries, amazingly only one turns up a 6! He’s now down to one wound

Good casualties 28

Evil casualties 13

Turn 9 Good win priority

Juba declares Heroic Move and so does Kharvax

Juba and Zharius charge Angbor

All within 6” of Kharvax pick an enemy and charge

Zhaax calls for Heroic combat but despite winning his duel does not drop his man

The archers of Morthond climb the wall and march to battle

One of them immediately falls to the ground, pierced by an arrow from a Variag bow

The shield wall is turning into a shiltron…a small one

Somewhere someone is playing a sad trumpet solo

Its looking like last stand time for the warriors of Lamedon

Khabaal spies a chance for fame and fortune, the weakened Imrahil no longer has the might to defend himself. He declares Heroic Combat

“For Lord Bahad” he screams and blocking the tiring knight’s sword on his shield he delivers a killing blow

Bahad smiles down from his horse and dashes off to help against the remaining knights knocking one from his horse and killing him

Khabaal charges another knight, kills him and is rewarded with a nod of recognition from Bahad

The Variags charge into the Light Cavalry 2-1 are odds that they like

Aethir and another light cavalry man are both killed by the Haradrim Noble cavalry This takes the Good Side to its     Breakpoint of 36

Outnumbered 3:1 and with eight dice against his two Angbor somehow manages to win the duel and pushes everyone away

Good have 41 casualties against the 16 Evil

Turn 10 Good win priority

Stand Fasts fail across the board 11 of the Good Guys run from the battle

Juba takes out Angbor

he Variags are suddenly brave now there is no one to fight and they race across the battlefield looking for loot …er… enemies

One of the Dol Amroth Men at Arms takes 6 hits with no injury, but in every other respect it is an Evil victory

The few remaining Good Guys run limp or hobble from the field, it is over.

All of the Fiefs Warband were injured, all recovered

Khabaal received +1 Courage and bought a rallying horn which he used to call up a Noble cavalryman,Khutim. Presumably one that had watched him take out Imrahil

The capriciousness of dice-based games always fascinates me. The archers of Morthond are a case in point. In two games they have consistently failed to hit anything. Two turns on the trot here they had 12 shots with a 50/50 chance of hitting and not one wound! Whereas Zharius with the same chance of a hit was knocking enemies down left right and centre.

It was an interesting experience playing a larger game, it was great fun and presented a few challenges. I liked the way the mechanisms work and there were several key points where Heroic actions changed the course of play or produced vital results. The flow of the game fitted the narrative well and I found I have developed an increased familiarity with the rules that helped with the speed of the game and also with keeping track of events. I have no issues with the game system, I have played quite a few games now and I am still not bored.

However, playing two opposing sides with two opposing Battle Companies and keeping track of who is who as a Solo game, is somewhat wearing. I added up the points cost of the various units before the battle but made a mistake with my maths and the Evil force was 100 points light. Maybe Karma then, that the longbow men were such atrociously poor shots. I felt that I was not doing both Battle Companies justice. I didn’t even notice that several of the Gang of Fiefs were wounded until after the battle! I want to field all of my Southrons in one way or another, including the Mumakil which means more battles. I have two more big battles in mind I think I will try just one Warband for the next one and see how that pans out.

Khabaal and his warband sit in the dust on the road out of the ruined town. "What a day" he thought It had been a long, hard fight. They are all exhausted, but none have been injured. The White clad swan demons had fought until none of them remained standing and Khabaal grudgingly acknowledged that they certainly knew how to fight and how to die. Like an Easterling he thought, the fierce axe wielding men from Rhun and beyond were renowned for not giving or receiving quarter, so unlike most of these soft pale skinned people with their weak ideas and naïve sense of honour.

A shadow falls across him and he looks up squinting in the bright sunlight into the broad face of Hakkim Bahad. The old general rests a hand on Khabaal’s shoulder

“Don’t get up” he growls in a deep bass voice and squats in the dust beside him “You have fought well today and have earned some respite. That was a fine stroke you pulled off with the Swan Prince, very nicely done indeed, you have a good axe hand and quick reflexes, I think you are an asset to Our Emperor and so shall I report your deeds to him when next I am fortunate enough to be in his presence”

Khabaal remains silent and simply nods his head.

“The Emperor has need of good solid soldiers, but even more of those who can think quickly and respond thus at need. There are precious few men of such mettle and you may be one of them, we shall see. I have a task for you. You are to go now, with your Battle Company, with all speed and head to the East. Five or six leagues. There you will find Khamoon Bakir with the heavy troops. You are to tell him that we have won a great victory and that his presence is not required here, that he should go North, directly, on the Osgiliath road. We will combine our forces at some point on the road South of the old city. He is not to attack without me.  You may stay with him, attend his every word, and when we next meet you will tell me all that you have heard. He is a fierce, cruel, cold serpent and a terrible enemy, ware that you should offend! Do you understand? Do you hear my words Axeman?”

Khabaal nods.

“You are wise enough to keep your mout, another asset. You may survive this encounter, we shall see. Here, this I have for you!” and he hands Khabaal a small, heavy item, wrapped in blue silk “A keep sake of our meeting, it may bring you luck. Keep your axe sharp, trust only your blade. Fare well”

He turns and walks away. The mystified Khabaal looks around at his men who have kept their eyes on the ground and their heads bowed through the encounter.

He opens the loosely knotted silk parcel with care. Within there is a small, finely crafted but battered swans head, solid gold, the neck has a sharp, flattened aspect where his axe had sheared it from the Princes helm. “It may bring you luck” he thought “what a day!”

Khabaal adds Lucky Talisman to his roster sheet.

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