-Movie Style
Everybody likes
a good movie and a good game of Ruckus does feel like watching an old school
Hollywood spectacular, with every roll of the dice filmed in glorious
Technicolour! Here are some ideas for creating movie themed Heroes and Villains
and their Followers, these rules are not aimed at reproducing any specific film
characters, rather they are designed to provide the flavour of the arch
villains and true heroes that populate the silver screen. These rules are
written for use in “one-off” games with each Character fully developed, but
they could easily be used for a Campaign.
Good Guy and Bad Guy skill sets
Players can
have their Captains choose whether to be moustache twiddling Villains or big
chinned True Heroes by choosing one of these Special Skill Decks. Instead of
picking from the Leader, Agility and Strength skill decks, they take all their
cards from one of these decks consisting of a mix of appropriate existing
Skills and some new Movie-themed Skills
than Life-Movie
Heroes and Villains achieve things that normal Humans cannot do therefore each
Captain may draw six skills. Squires are
still only humble Squires and only draw two skills each using the normal Skill
choices available to them
A Cast of
Thousands The
emphasis in Hollywood spectaculars is definitely on the hand-to-hand fighting,
therefore Movie themed Retinues may have 6 Fighters and 6 Shootists
True Heroes,
the Good Guys, are well represented in all good Hollywood action movies, they
are usually disenfranchised sons or renegade nobles who have lost their all to
some scheming evil treacherous villain and by the end of the film they have
defeated their enemy, cleared their name, and claimed the love of their life.
The Good Guy Skill set
This set comprises of some appropriate
existing Skills and some new flavoursome Good Guy Skills to create your own
True Hero.
Hero If this
Character passes a Prowess Test, they may Roll one less dice to perform
Movement Gambits. If they fail their Prowess roll, they must Roll as normal
Ethos Retainers in
this bold Hero’s Retinue share their Leaders Heroic principles and may
therefore, Reroll any Feckless tests
Light on his Feet This Character is constantly on the move when in melee, dodging, weaving,
and dancing, any hit on him has to pass a Blocked Stroke roll exactly as if he
is defending an obstacle
…and his Merry Men
Retainers in this noble Heroes Retinue add 1 to Feckless Rolls
Tactician Wins any
Draws when rolling for Cunning Plans
Hold My Mead! On their first activation this
Character rolls a D6 and, whatever number is rolled, the dice, still showing
the number, is set to one side. At any time during the Turn, if this Character
makes a successful Prowess Test, they may exchange this roll for one made by
themselves or any opponent. They keep the dice they have exchanged with their
Opponent and may repeat the process every turn. For example, the Hero initially
rolls a 4 which he sets to one side as his “Hold my Mead” dice, then during his
first turn he rolls a 1 while rolling a Blocked Shot test. He exchanges his 4
for the 1 and passes the Blocked Shot test his “Mead dice” is now a 1. Next
turn, if he makes a successful Prowess Test, he may if he wishes, exchange it
for one his Opponent’s dice rolls, forcing them to accept a roll of 1!
Hero! Pick any Skill
from this list
Good Guy Retinues
Good Guy
Retinues reflect the values of their Noble Leaders, the Shootists can only
carry the noble Longbow, never the Crossbow or new-fangled Gonnes. Players
should feel free to be creative with the Fighters and those wishing to play a
Robin Hood style of game should use the Outlaw Profiles below.
The Evil
scheming movie villain is well known to us all from the earliest days of cinema
from the moustaches-twiddling-dressed-all-in-black Cad tying the distressed
maiden to the railway tracks of the early silent movies through the various
versions of the Sherrif of Nottingham to Prince Humperdink. In the Films they
always fail…but not necessarily so in Ruckus
The Bad Guy Skill Set
This set
comprises of some appropriate existing Skills and some new Evil Skills to
create your own Proper Bad ‘Un
you! This Character
may use this Skill at any time in Melee. Once per Melee, force your opponent to
make a Prowess Test, if they fail, this Character may then use the opportunity
to Stab their Opponent. The Character rolls one Attack dice using Skill’d at
Arms and any other Skills to adjust the result, the Opponent can make no reply
and may not use Skill’d at Arms to affect the outcome. If the Opponent survives
the attack than they both continue to fight a Melee as normal.
the Character may choose to break off the Melee and move away 6”. Any other
Characters from the Opposing Retinue will also look away so this Character may
move in any direction and may break the 1” rule and even move through enemy
Stage Left… When
this Character is down to their last point of Health they may choose to do a
Moriarty. Take a Prowess Test, if they pass, they have used a secret door or
tunnel or other secret means to escape and may be placed anywhere on the table
up to 12” away. If they are within 12” of a table edge they may instead exit
themselves from the scenario. Players are encouraged to monologue as the bad
guy when using this skill ending with the traditional Mwahahahahahahahaaa!
Guards! If this
Character is hit either by a missile or in Melee, he grabs any friendly
Retainer within 1” and pushes them in the way of harm, so that the hit instead
falls upon the Retainer who must make a saving Throw as normal.
Schemer Rerolls the
dice when rolling for Cunning Plans
Evil Genius May draw two Divers Alarums at the
beginning of the game
Relentless Enemy May use only once per game, at any time after this Character has been
wounded. This Character is so driven by anger and hatred that he may ignore a
Wound. Restore one point of Health.
Arch Villain! Pick any Skill from this list
Bad Guy Retinues
Villains recruit their Retainers from the scum of the
earth, the low life petty bullies that hang about on street corners in the
worse part of town. They shun weapons of skill such as long bows and bills and
instead carry crossbows, spiked clubs, and axes.
Henchmen These villainous
Retainers are traditionally less able Fighters than their goody counterparts,
they are usually brutes and bullies, they like to gang up on opponents!
Henchmen Fighters have Mob Handed and Spiked Weapons.
Mobhanded Characters with this
Trait may Charge into melee with another Character to surround an opponent.
Each Character with Mobhanded in contact with the opponent adds another Attack
to the original Chargers melee. The Player may move as many Mobhanded
Characters as can be placed in contact with the Character being charged before
commencing melee.
Mobhanded Characters must still obey the one-inch rule.
Scum of the Earth These Henchmen
are picked for their particular qualities, that is being unimaginative, brutal,
and cruel. Henchmen do not think for themselves so when they are Feckless, they
are less likely to use any initiative and are unlikely to leave the battle or
seek new instructions.
Henchmen Feckless table
1= Run Awaaaay! Remove the figure from the table
2-3 =I wasn’t doin’ nuffink! The Retainer stands still counting their feet or
staring at a sheep
4-5=I gotta ’urt somefink! The Retainer moves towards and if possible, will
attack the nearest Character that is not part of their Retinue
6= As my Lord Commands! The player may move the Retainer towards their
leader as per the main rules
Weapon This
Character may force their opponent to reroll their saving throw
Pic from recent game
The Set Up
Movie themed Ruckus is perfect for Heroic moves and there
should be plenty of opportunities for Movement gambits. Pack the table with
Terrain that allows or, even better, demands Heroics! There should be chasms to
cross, walls to scale, rapid flowing rivers, ladders to climb, ropes, or
chandeliers to swing on...
Movie themed Retinue Divers Alarums are based on classic
movie tropes and replace the standard DA
Divers Alarums
The 7
becomes For…! (insert inspiring name of choice!) May be played at the
beginning of the Turn. For this Turn the Good Guy Retinue may Reroll all Mishap
The 8
becomes True Grit Play at any time after the Captain has been wounded, like
a True Hero he calls on his inner strength and determination. Restore up to two
The 9
becomes This is for… Revenging a fallen comrade this Character digs deep
and summons up super human strength. Play in melee, this is an Automatic hit on
his Opponent that cannot be Parried or Fended with a -1 modifier to the saving
The 10
becomes Foiled Again! Play this card immediately after your Opponent
plays a Divers Alarums Card, this card cancels the original Player’s Card
Divers Alarums
The 7
becomes Get Them or Else! The Villainous Captain threatens his Men! May
be played at the beginning of the Turn. For this Turn the Bad Guy Retinue may
Reroll all Mishap tests
The 8
becomes Mwahahaha! Play on an Opponent as they move, they must
pass a Prowess Test or fall into a pit trap. This might be a previously dug and
disguised pit if outside or a trap door if inside a building. Roll d6 +3 on the
Falls table and take a Mishap token if unhurt. It will take one Turn to climb
The 9
becomes Reluctant Traitor. Play on one of your Opponent’s Retainers. The
Bad Guys are holding one of this Character’s relative’s captive, forcing them
to become a Traitor! When this card is played, they may be activated, and can
be used by the Villain’s Retinue for the rest of the game. This Character also
gains the Trait Loner and does not need to be in Command. In subsequent turns
they will activate on the Captains card.
The 10
becomes Ah HA! Not So Fast! Play this card immediately after your
Opponent plays a Divers Alarums Card, this card cancels the original Player’s Card.
Scenario Ideas
The Fugitive A notorious Outlaw, a Good Guy Hero, has
escaped from the Baddy’s castle where he was being held, and is hiding in a
village. The Baddies are in close pursuit.
Rescue Ye Maiden from Yonder Tower…obvs!
Kill ye King. One player guards the king. The other has to sneak by.
Sneaking/discovery rules needed
Stop the
Drop! One of the
Outlaws has been caught and is sentenced to hang, can the Hero stop the hanging
and recover his Merry Man?
Retribution! The Villain raids the Outlaws camp
deep in the woods looking for the pesky Brigand leader