Níos mó Nah Éireannaigh
More Irish! This time I have used
Flags of War Border Wars “the Fighting Irish!” And what a lovely set of figures
they are.
The set comes with a mounted leader
three Gallowglass and five Kern. I think they represent an Irish Retinue from
late in the period as several of them are wearing Morion helmets and burgonets
that are not used until the 16th century.
The leader is mounted on a strap barded horse with two bucket saddle holsters for his pistols and sports a classic Morion helmet with huge plumes. He wears the split hose and puff sleeved tunic typical of the Elizabethan period and sits on a conventional saddle with pommel and stirrups. Everything about him screams REIVER! So much so that I decided not to use him with my Irish but to paint him up as the first of my Border Reivers which will be my next Ruckus Retinue. He will join the rest of the FoW figures that my lovely wife bought me for Christamas. He will make an excellent March Warden commanding his men with an imperious wave of his sword
The Galloglaich
A lovely figure, typical of the set,
well sculpted with a dynamic pose. This fellow has the mail associated with these
doughty fighters, he wears a morion helmet and hefts the mighty Sparth Ax. Just
to be on the safe side he carries a huge sword, the Gallowglass equivalent of a
pocket Derringer perhaps!
He too carries a massive spare sword,
well, you would, wouldn’t you?
His tunic is painted using the Army
Painter Fanatic Yellow triad over a pale grey undercoat. I have tried pink
before as an undercoat for yellow but could not really see a difference.
I love the pose and animation of this
guy, you get a sense of the effort he is putting into his next swing and the
energy he is about release. Probably my favourite figure in this group.
My least favourite figure in this
collection! What the guy above has this one lacks, he is static, holding his ax
awkwardly before him, he looks cautious and lacks the wild abandon of the
previous two.
Mind you, it is a deadly looking ax
A kern armed with a bow, few were
armed this way it seems and only one in this box has the distinction.
His jacket is painted with the Foundry Terracotta triad and washed with
Citadel Berserker Bloodshade
His lien sports voluminous sleeves as is right
and proper
The Ceithern
This Kern carries a leather-bound
Targe reinforced with brass or copper studs and is armed with what may be a
throwing spear by the way he is holding it
I painted his jacket using Citadel Fang and
its associated colours, washed, and glazed with Nuln Oil
I used the same Fang recipe on this
Kern but washed and glazed with Citadels Tyran Blue
I like this guy too! One thing that
makes the Ruckus Irish Retinue quite different from the others are these fast
moving lightly armed Characters with Gurt Big Axes!
The Irish Retinue are fast and hit
hard but have little protection and no Support Trait.
His hair is Citadel XV 88, highlighted with Balor Brown, Zamesi Desert
and Zhandri dust
This Character is a full-on proper
javelin throwing Kern! Typical of the majority of these warriors.
His lovely green jacket is painted
with Citadel Castellan Green, and highlighted with Warpstone and Moot
In this view you can see the plate
armour to his left arm. It seems only Kerns used this type of protection, well,
and Roman gladiators…
His jacket is Citadel Mephiston Red
highlighted and glazed.
This a lovely set of figures, a joy to paint, and typical of the FoW range,
characterful, anatomically, and historically correct, well animated and
reasonably priced.
The Host! FoW fit beautifully with my
Perry’s and Antediluvian Irish…I have almost an Army! I am nearly ready to
contend the Billhooks BASH as Hibernia!
The Gallowglass form the bodyguard of Finn
mac Cool and offer more options to my Retinue …
Sláinte mhòr!
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